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NIVISS funding for niPlants LowEnergy project

‘NIVISS’ LESZEK ŁOSIN SPÓŁKA JAWNA has obtained a grant from the European Union for the project “Innovative family of niPlants LowEnergy linear luminaires for plant cultivation with an advanced system for controlling the intensity of illumination in individual spectrum components to save energy”.

‘NIVISS’ LESZEK ŁOSIN SPÓŁKA JAWNA has obtained a grant from the European Union for the project “Innovative family of niPlants LowEnergy linear luminaires for plant cultivation with an advanced system of controlling the intensity of illumination in individual spectrum components in order to save energy”.

We are implementing the project to strengthen capacity and introduce innovative solutions in the company. 
The main objective of the project is to develop luminaires to support plant growth enabling a significant reduction in the energy consumption of the plant lighting system in vertical farms and other forms of modern plant cultivation. 

Project value (total project cost): 3 594 306.52 PLN

European Funds contribution: 2 165 299.49 PLN

The project includes 3 modules: R&D module, Internationalisation and Enterprise Greening.

The most important module of the project is the R&D module. It will result in the development of a family of niPlants LowEnergy linear luminaires for plant cultivation with an advanced system to control the intensity of illumination in the individual components of the
spectrum in order to save energy. The R&D work will include topics requiring new knowledge of new energy-saving mechanisms, such as rapid changes in the light spectrum and the integration of different energy-saving strategies into a single lighting device. The Greening module will include an investment in a renewable energy source (photovoltaics with energy storage). 
As part of the Internationalisation module, activities will be realised regarding participation in trade fairs and economic missions in order to develop the export of Niviss' products.

The project aims to implement the results of the Applicant's R&D work on the niPlants LowEnergy family of innovative luminaires.  The results of the project will benefit individual customers (purchasers of small quantities of lamps) and institutional customers (companies, purchasing large quantities of lamps e.g. for their own cultivation, in particular vertical farms). 

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